With DraftSight, you can easily view, create, revise, and markup both 2D and 3D files quickly and accurately. It eliminates the need for manual grafting with automated solutions, so users can create conceptual projects and design product layouts. The 2D and 3D drafting and design solution is extremely useful for completing architectural, mechanical, and design projects. Lastly, the app includes various webinars and documentation to help you along in the process. It also lets you use command-prompts, perform quick measurements, and complete batch printing of your work.
The program lets you open and save files in different file formats, including XF and DWG. When you complete the DraftSight free download, you get access to various features and functions to improve your overall productivity.
The program features an interface whose ease of use makes any transition from another CAD application possible and seamless. With its help, you can create 2D sketches and complete other CAD projects with efficiency and ease. Equipped with various formatting and editing tools, DraftSight is a computer-aided design and drafting (CAD) solution.