Men also have certain rights in some religions that women do not have, such as the right to file for divorce. Men are included in this abuse as well, although it is more unlikely for them to face the same repercussions as women. Unchained helps those who feel hopeless in their situation because they will be shunned or have acts of violence committed against them if they try to resist a forced marriage. Across the world, fewer people are choosing to marry, and those who do marry are, on average, doing so later in life. The rape, abuse, domestic servitude, loss of reproductive, financial, and human rights is frightening, especially knowing that this still goes on in the present-day. Unchained has seen many young girls who have been in forced marriages and therefore forced motherhood most of the time.
There are organizations such as Unchained At Last, who help those who are or have been in a forced marriage. Figures from our poll for the reasons for Asian divorce say, 34 are due to Differences and Intolerance between the couple, 27 due to In-Laws and Family Problems, 19 due to Affairs, 12 due to Arranged Marriages and 8 due to Work and Money Pressures. Places consider arranged marriages a tradition, but when they turn out to actually be forced marriages, it is simply abuse. This has led to a concerning amount of child births in these countries. These are mostly forced marriages, where the girl is taken out of school left with no other options. In some places, such as Niger and India, the marriage age for young girls is extremely low, at only 15 years old.